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S.O.S. * LISBON ULHT 2019 Workshop

*Sustainable Open Solutions – Architecture – Climate Change

Architecture and Fire: on London’s Skyline – Lecture by Professor Stamatis Zografos

Professor Stamatis Zografos (U. Suffolk, UCL Bartlett School of Architecture, UK) will give the lecture Architecture and Fire: on London’s Skyline at Room G2.2 on the 31st October, 4 PM.

Opening Week of Academic Year 2018/19

Check below the Activities Program of the Opening Week of the Academic Year 2018/19 of the Integrated Master in Architecture.

International Urban Design Workshop Walk, Experience and Design

The International Urban Design Workshop Walk, Experience and Design will take place between the 16th and the 27th July 2018, and will focus on the development of urban design projects for Alvalade, one of the most interesting neighborhoods in Lisbon.

Conference by MAMMA GROUP, 25th May 2018, 12PM, Room G.2.2

In the scope of the Conference Cycle African Architecture, this conference will be given by MAMMA GROUP, the Association for Moroccan Modern Architecture Heritage, focusing on the works by Jean-François Zevaco (1916-2003) and other architects.