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ULHT’s Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (DAU) provides Bachelor Degrees, Integrated Masters, Post-Graduation Courses and Doctorates.

We are part of ECATI Communication School, we invest on technological research applied to architecture and on artistic production, as we consider Architecture and Urban Planning to have a constantly evolving strong cultural impact.

Students will attend an international and culturally diverse environment. We are currently the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning with the largest percentage of international students in Portugal. Our strengths lie in cross-disciplinarity and in excellence in training.

  • DAU’s Director
    Pedro Ressano Garcia

Andrew Ballantyne – “Bassae and the Fled Gods” | 27 de Janeiro, 14h30

Lusofona University – @ulusofona of Porto and Lisbon together with the Manchester School of Architecture – @manchester_architecture – and University of Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture – @univerza_v_ljubljani, organise an online International Conference Cycle – *Architecture: Design and Research International Seminar* – , dedicated to doctoral students and open to all interested! Join us via Zoom!