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International Urban Design Workshop Walk, Experience and Design

The International Urban Design Workshop Walk, Experience and Design will take place between the 16th and the 27th July 2018, and will focus on the development of urban design projects for Alvalade, one of the most interesting neighborhoods in Lisbon.

The workshop is organized in partnership with Junta de Freguesia de Alvalade (Civil Parish Council), and it aims at deepening the students’ knowledge and skills in urban design, with a special focus on the fields of urban design and regeneration of depressed urban areas.

Students will explore the diverse potentialities of the neighborhood and elaborate strategic solutions for its development, starting from a physical and spatial research carried out through field work. The students will also meet the local community and civil parish representatives to assess the social characteristics of the neighborhood.

Professor Diogo Mateus, PhD, ULHT (Workshop Director)
Professor Vicente del Rio, PhD, CalPoly, USA (Coordenação)
Professor Harold Gallo, PhD, UniCamp, São Paulo, Brazil
Professor Pedro Ressano Garcia, PhD, ULHT

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