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Professors Maria Rita Pais and Luis Santiago Baptista are the curators of Open House Lisboa 2018

DAU Professors Maria Rita Pais and Luís Santiago Baptista are the curators of Open House Lisboa 2018, an event organized by Lisboa Triennale of Architectura and EGEAC, taking place this year on 22-23 September.

Open House is an international event which Lisbon joined in 2012 and which takes place in over 35 cities in the whole world.

Open House’s aim is to make known and celebrate the city of Lisbon’s architecture, and, quoting its curators:”we are motivated by the possibility of understanding Lisbon in a large urban scale, through projects, buildings and specific interventions, proposing a reading of the city’s recent transformations, in its several areas and structural axis.

And, finally, through that mapping, highlight the crucial role of architects in the construction of the past, present and future of Lisbon”.

Our congratulations to both Professors on this initiative!

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