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The last meetting of the Strawbalebuilding Training for European Professionals STEP – Program ID: 2013-1-CZ1-LEO04-142324, where LabART R&D centre is evolved, is in Boxtel (NL) and it gathers researchers from Nederlands – Sissy Verspeek and Florian van Roekel; France.

  • Isabelle Melchior, Manas Melliwa and Dirk Eberhard; Spain
  • Valentina Maina; UK
  • Michael Howlett; Portugal (ULHT/LabART)
  • Maria Luisa Paiva, Catarina Pinto and João Sequeira; Austria
  • Herbert Gruber and Erwin Schwarzmuller; Germany
  • Sissy Hein.

It will prepare the 10 units/books on Straw bale building Training for European Professionals.

Also it was the preparation for the ESBG European Strawbale Gathering held in Montargis (Paris/France) between 20th and 25th of September.