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Prof. Monteiro Figueira keynote speaker na ICITE 2018 | IEEE em Singapura

O Prof. Monteiro Figueira foi um dos keynote speakers na conferência ICITE 2018 | IEEE, que se realizou em Singapura em Setembro de 2018, onde apresentou a sua comunicação «IMPROVING WALKABILITY: Strategies for pedestrians».


Walking as a transportation mode is associated with a number of benefits ranging from:

  • reductions in congestion and emissions levels
  • to improvements in personal health

We all know that that we use those models to focus ONLY on automobile traffic.

What is the legacy timing policies? Applied mainly at intersections we have prioritized vehicular movements, leading to large and sometimes unnecessary delay for pedestrians.

Because pedestrian trips are short, delays at signalized intersections can affect pedestrians disproportionately and are a key factor in pedestrian non-compliance!

So, how to decide on a control strategy?

The choice depends on the operational objectives, with no one solution that fits all scenarios.

Traditional signal timing practices often prioritize vehicular movements at signalized intersections, over other system users.

However, an increase in non-motorized modes especially in urban areas had held to greater consideration of actual operating environment and incorporates the needs of all users.

It is an equation impossible to solve and no one can find an answer to the problem if we do not change priorities and give preference to pedestrians in urban areas.

There is little doubt that autonomous technology will have a major impact on ground transportation. The question is to know how pedestrians can benefit of this progress. Basically we want to make streets and roads safer for all users.

So rather than designing and evaluating based on LOS for vehicles…we should start considering an evaluation system called: Level of Mobility (LOM) for people.

We need to create a good environment to bring people for walking, feeling safe and having fun…

During this presentation we will bring good examples how to attract people to the streets and using walking modes instead of private cars.


Intelligent Transportation Engineering is emerging worldwide to make transportation more efficient, reliable, cleaner and safer. ITE is used in road, water, rail and air transportation to collect information about transportation flows from a multitude of sources and manage them effectively, shifting collective traffic and transportation management paradigms towards end user orientation.

The conference was held in Singapore during September 3-5, 2018. ICITE2018 welcomed articles in the field of Intelligent Transportation Engineering, conveying new developments in theory, analytical and numerical simulation and modeling, experimentation, advanced deployment and case studies, results of laboratory or field operational test.