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Architecture and Fire: on London’s Skyline - Palestra pelo Prof. Stamatis Zografos

O Professor Stamatis Zografos (U. Suffolk, UCL Bartlett School of Architecture, UK) irá proferir a palestra Architecture and Fire: on London’s Skyline no próximo dia 31 de Outubro, às 16h00, na sala G2.2.

The lecture will focus on two case studies. Through the first case study I will explain how buildings and the city remember, and specifically how they remember fire.

Through the second case study I will demonstrate that the break with the past that Modernism aspired to can also be seen in the historically intimate relationship between architecture and fire.

Dr. Stamatis Zografos is a practicing architect and academic. He is a Lecturer in Architecture at University of Suffolk and a Teaching Fellow in Architectural History  and Theory at UCL Bartlett School of Architecture.

He is also the founder of Incandescent Square, an interdisciplinary platform for research and design with interests spanning from architecture and urbanism to critical heritage and curating.

His research is interdisciplinary, focusing on the fields of architecture / conservation, psychoanalysis, memory and fire.