Urban Rehabilitation at Bairro das Trinas, Lisbon – Commented Tour and Debate


Professor Joana Mourão will organize a commented tour at Bairro das Trinas, Lisbon, on the 12th November 2016.

The event has a free admission and will also feature a debate with the presence of  José Sarmento de Matos, Cláudio Monteiro, Walter Rossa, José Aguiar e Vitor Campos.

More info at: https://www.facebook.com/events/147416879053175/

Lecture by MIT’s Katia Zolotovsky

Katia Zolotovsky, a researcher at MIT, will lecture on “Guided Growth – The Interplay between Shape, Material and Life”, on Nov 8th, 11:30 AM, at the Green Room (G2.2). This free-admission lecture is jointly organized by DAU and LabART Architecture Lab – Research Center.

Katia Zolotovsky’s work uses bacteria cells and applies computational methods of synthetic biology to grow active and adaptive building components for architecture. As both an architect and a biologist by education, Katia creates workflows that combine methods from architectural design, materials science, and synthetic biology.

The First Day at the Intercalary Seminar RII2016

The first day at the Intercalary Seminar Rede de Investigadores Iberoamericanos (RII) 2016, on the 2nd June 2016

Session I
Teaching and the Urban Planning profession in Iberoamerica, focusing on Portugal and the African Portuguese-Speaking Countries

  • Professor Pedro Novais, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Professor Mário Moutinho ULHT Portugal
  • Professora Filipa Antunes e (em representação) Professor Pedro Ressano Garcia, ULHT Portugal
  • Professor Rui Florentino, ULHT Portugal


Session II
QScientific and Professional Qualification of the Urban Planners Towards Urban Issues

  • Ensino de Urbanismo na Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Professor Roberto Righi, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Os ‘Urbanistas’ em Portugal entre 1961 e 2015 – A procura de um futuro profissional
  • Joana Menezes Gonçalves, Doutoranda em Urbanismo 3º ano ULHT Portugal
  • A Formação e a Profissão de Urbanista na Iberoamérica e nos Países de Língua Portuguesa
  • Rogério Soares Leite da Silva, Doutorando em Urbanismo 1º ano ULHT Portugal


Iberian Concert

With musicians

João Afonso e Rogério Cardoso Pires

Poetry reading

Carlos Carranca (CELAS)

The Second Day at the Intercalary Seminar RII2016


Presentation “Contributos para a Conferência das Nações Unidas: Habitação e Desenvolvimento Urbano Sustentável (Habitat III)”

Doutor João Teixeira (CCDR –LVT e ex-presidente do Conselho Europeu de Urbanistas), presented by Professor Nuno Ventura, Portugal

Session III
Interdisciplinarity in Urban Planning

“A Regulamentação da Formação e do Exercício Profissional dos Urbanistas em um Contexto Histórico no Brasil”, by Doutor Roberto Righi, Professor Titular at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brasil

“Los límites de lo urbano: análisis desde el paradigma interdisciplinar de las mediciones de la desigualdad socio-espacial”, by Escobar, A. & Garza, S., presented by Sofía Garza Vargas, México – Student at the Master in Urban Planning at ULHT

Fatores condicionantes da mobilidade urbana: as características morfológicas e urbanas da cidade de Salvador e os Transportes Verticais by André Luis dos Santos Juan Pedro Moreno Delgado, and Nagayamma Kaymir Tavares de Sousa Aragão, Angola. Doutoranda em Urbanismo 2º ano ULHT



Visit to Lisbon’s Historic Centre and Expo 98 area, by Filipa Antunes e Joana Mourão ULHT Portugal

Technology Week

The 2nd Cycle of the Technology Week DAU took place between the 5th and the 9th January 2016 at ULHT.

This event was organized by the Research Group on Architectural Building Process at LabART  – Laboratório de Arquitectura / Centro de Estudos